Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Earthquake More than 5 SR Back Shake Aceh

An earthquake with magnitude 5.2 on the Richter Scale (SR) re-rocked Aceh province, on Friday (28 / 8) morning at 23:45:21 pm.

Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) recorded earthquake occurred at 5:45 BT-94.77 N with a depth of 22 km and the epicenter located at 62 km southwest of Banda Aceh.

The earthquake was also felt in the city of Sabang with distance from the epicenter at 78 km southwest of Pulau Weh, 132 Km northwest of Sigli, 209 km northwest of Meulaboh and 216 km northwest of Bireuen.

However, earthquakes that occur for the umpteenth time in August 2009 recorded no potential tsunami. Previous earthquakes with magnitude 5.0 SR also occurred in Aceh on Wednesday (26 / 8) 03:26:51 at 5:28 pm at the location BT-94.77 N with a depth of 24 km and located at 68 Km southwest of Banda Aceh.

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Finally, Malaysia Apologize about Pendet

Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik said it had received an apology from the Minister ramble about Pendet Malaysia.

"Minister of Malaysia to call my travel to apologize about Pendet," said Jero Wacik in Jakarta, Thursday (27 / 8).

He said, related to the use of apology Pendet in tourism promotion ads on television on the Discovery Channel program titled enigmatic Malaysia without official permission from the Government of Indonesia's newly delivered orally.

However, Jero confirmed, it is still waiting for an official answer from the Government of Malaysia on the letter of protest note delivered yesterday. "We're still awaiting an official response from the Malaysian government," he said.

Ministers expect the letter of protest about Pendet memorandum has been received the Government of Malaysia as of today that are expected there next week's formal response.

In oral conversation through international telephone connection, Jero explained, the Government of Malaysia said, ad-laden tour Pendet not made by the Government of Malaysia, but the private sector, a production house.

"The production that makes the ad had also sent an e-mail to apologize to the Government of Indonesia through me," he said.

However, Jero apology should be confirmed officially submitted and not through e-mail. "I'm still waiting for an official note of protest which I sent," he said.

On that occasion, he also reiterated his gratitude to the press which has a big interest about Indonesian cultural products, especially Pendet. According to him, the media publicized the issue of rampant claims by Malaysia Pendet out of love and the press of tourism and culture of Indonesia. "Thank you fellow reporter, two this week I also became famous," said Jero Wacik.

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Selada Bangka

8 lbr daun selada, iris halus
100 gr taoge, buang akarnya
2 bh ketimun, buang bijinya lalu iris tipis bulat
3 btr telur rebus, kupas, iris tipis
2 bh tahu putih, goreng, potong-potong
2 bh kentang rebus, potong tipis
keripik kentang

100 gr kacang tanah goreng
5 bh cabai merah rebus, haluskan
1 sdt terasi goreng
1/2 sdt garam
30 gr gula merah
250 ml air
2 sdm cuka
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdm gula merah

Cara Membuat:
Saus: haluskan kacang tanah goreng hingga berminyak, tambahkan cabai merah, terasi, gula merah haluskan .
Tambahkan air, garam, gula pasir, dan cuka, aduk rata dan rebus sampai matang.
Susun daun selada, taoge, ketimun, tahu, telur, dan kentang dalam wadah, siram saus di atasnya, lengkapi bersama keripik kentang.

Beautiful Happy Ramadhan

Ramadan has come, all Muslims in the world very happy, not to mention you, Saliha women. Amen. But as usual, the biggest obstacle at the moment is performing fasting, lack of fluid which will have an effect on your beauty. Especially the dry lips and chapped and body limp.

Lots of articles that provide important tips on lip care during fasting. By using lip balm, of course. But this effort from the outside is not necessarily suitable for your lips. Then what?

Make sure the water intake at dawn sufficient. Perbanyaklah vegetables gravy and drinking water and milk. Milk with all the benefits believed to provide essential nutrition to all organs of the body shell. Milk is also able to make the skin more elastic and moist from the body. To protect it from outside, do not often moisten his lips with your saliva, because the enzymes in saliva can make even more dry lips.

The limp body was due to lack of fluids and decreased blood sugar slowly. Therefore, at dawn, sweet warm milk could be your lunch a full day of activities. Do not forget the break to drink a glass of warm sweet drink that blood sugar to normal.

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Healthy Foods for Healthy Living

There are several ways diet would lose weight if you follow the right way as designed. but it does not mean that all foods fit into a healthy diet is a diet, but it does not mean you have to change eating patterns to fit the rules of the diet.

Rather than worry about following the diet, it's better to think about a healthy lifestyle instead. Start by learning to choose foods that are good for you.

The closer the food cycle is taken from nature, the food is better for you. Fresh fruits and vegetables are great to have lots of vitamins and minerals, boiled them to retain the most nutritional value and be careful with sauces, they may be high in calories and fat is not good for you.

Apple is good for the body, but made apple pie really is not good for the body. Serve seafood two or three times a week. Fish and chicken meat will be healthier on serve in the form of baked instead of fried

make it a habit to drink water, milk and 100% fruit juice as the main beverage softdrink and limit sweet drinks. If you are bored with mineral water, try adding a few strands of lemon to add a touch of flavor.

Do not forget to eat a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals you should be healthy.

From the Back Bush, Obama was closely watched by the Secret Service

U.S. President Barack Obama enjoys golfing activities with a number of friends on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, on Monday (24 / 8). In a region known as the island of exile for the picnic location for this elite, Obama was enjoying activities with a escort of Secret Service security forces hiding behind a bush.

This holiday is the first time since Obama was President of the United States in February. Obama started its activities on Monday with a workout at the residence rented before then play tennis with his wife, Michelle.

Obama then playing golf with two friends, UBS Investment Bank President Robert Wolf and medical experts Chicago, Eric Whitaker. White House aide Marvin Nicholson also joined in this activity.

Obama recreation trip is designed with public access restrictions on the President's family. Some White House aides have asked some journalists not to follow Obama's two daughters when they were not with her parents.

The White House stressed, this Obama vacation a personal holiday that does not require so much preparation. The White House did not compile the official agenda of the presidency as Obama's family in this island. However, Obama still receiving daily reports delivered directly from the National Security Council officials.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Management Mosque Singapore

Government of Singapore is often referred to as one example of government run, the best example of government that works. One parameter is the quality of planning and management of government owned.

Perhaps that's why, the people behind the management of mosques in Singapore, especially the people MUIS, to "catch". True, many people rate the mosque management in Singapore is one of the best, so many comparative studies received a visit from neighboring countries.

Laksa Bangka

Bahan :
150 gr mie laksa ( dari beras atau yang sejenis )
4 potong ikan laut pisahkan dengan durinya
2 sdm minyak goreng
2 batang serai, ambil bagian putihnya, memarkan
1.000 ml santan, dari ½ butir kelapa
2 sdt garam
1 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm bawang goreng
Daun laksa/daun kelesum

Bumbu halus :
10 butir bwang merah
2 siung bawang putih
2 cm kunyit
4 butir kemiri sangrai
2 buah cabai merah
1 sdm ebi bubuk
1 – 2 sdt terasi

Sambal Laksa:

6 buah cabe merah besar, 2 btr bwg merah,
lalu uleg/blender sebentar bersama dgn terasi (terasinya agak banyak), garam& gula.

Cara membuat :

Seduh mie dengan air panas hingga lunak, tiriskan. Iris ikan laut sisihkan dan campur.
Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan/panci, tumis bumbu halus.
Masukkan serai, aduk hingga berbau harum.
Tuangi santan, timba-timba santan hingga mendidih.
Tambahkan garam dan merica, kecilkan apinya, teruskan memasak hingga seluruh bahan cukup matang, angkat.

Penyajian : bagi mie dalam 4 mangkuk, dan siramkan kuah panas berikut isinya. Taburi bawang goreng dan daun laksa ( daun kelesum ) sesuai selera. Hidangkan selagi panas.

Tips :
Daun laksa atau daun kelesum ini memang mempunyai aroma yang khas, terutama digunakan unt memasak laksa. Aroma dari daun kelesum ini lah yang membuat laksa memiliki ciri khas tersendiri.
Daun kemangi bisa digunakan sebagai penganti si daun kelesum...walau aroma dan rasanya akan sedikit berbeda...tapi ngga kalaah enaknya kok sama laksa yg pake daun kelesum

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Shopping at Geylang Serai Singapore

Regional ethnic Malays exudes world charm of the past. Being right in the middle is the Malay Village, which shows the business activities and traditional culture, with a look back at the old village. The stores display the miscellaneous collection of goods ranging from handicrafts, rugs and fabrics to furniture and antiques.

Drop by at the wet market (currently being renovated) and breath smell of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg in there. In this market there are stores to buy music CDs "keroncong" traditional and modern Malays, to the memories of your holiday in Singapore.

Swing your legs to Joo Chiat Complex to see the spread of modern textiles, clothing and jewelry are very diverse.

Obama Not Cancel Visit to Indonesia

Despite widespread rumored to be the target of terrorist attacks in Indonesia, President of the United States Barack Obama is scheduled to continue to visit to Indonesia.

"No official statement from the White House about the cancellation plan (the visit)," said Spokesman Foreign Ministry Teuku Faizasyah at State House, Friday (21 / 8). Faizasyah menuturkan that failure to address concerns Obama visits due to actions of terrorism in the land of Jakarta.

However, he continued, to this day the white buildings also have not provided definitive arrival date Obama. To be sure, to anticipate things that do not want the Government of Indonesia will increase the security. "We have to design possible," he explained.

Ramadan message from Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama promised "concrete action" to renew relations with the Muslim world. Obama's promise is delivered in a message to mark the beginning of Ramadan. "I want to re-affirm my commitment at the beginning of the new United States and among Muslims around the world," said Obama, Friday (21 / 8), in a speech broadcast the video when about 1.5 billion Muslims prepare to worship the one month fasting and contemplation. Friday's speech echoed Obama's important speech in Cairo in June, when he put a new blueprint for U.S. policy in the Middle East, promising to end the worsening suspicion. Since then, Obama said the embassies in the Muslim world the U.S. has held consultations with government and citizens, and he now "focus on concrete actions to pursue". "We heard. We listen to you," he said. Obama also pledged support for "full" at the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as for "a responsible end to the war in Iraq". Islamic fasting month began Saturday in most of the Arab world and Iran. However, all the citizens of Libya and Shia Muslims in Lebanon, which determine the month, according to astronomical calculations, their fast start Friday.

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Few Jamaah

There are many factors that cause Jamaah why we did not want to follow the activities in the mosque. I will mention the factors and assess your own what the reason that you experienced in the mosque

First, the lack of pattern in part of the management of the mosque, this means that some of the management of the mosque itself does not participate actively in the mosque. If the management of the mosque which is about 20 people that participated in mosque activities, the study could have been running well, especially if the management is to invite his wife and already 40 people, and if administrator that each one brings their children so that adults have 60 people. Thus the theory is always attended regular akan many people with Jamaah coming from the outside.

Second, there is no clear direction so that the program activities that are held there seemed origin. Theory for example is not clear what material will the discussion. Whether material is appropriate to the needs Jamaah or not, consequently Jamaah reluctant to attend because the material is not interesting, because the routine activities such as research should be developed so that the classical material tailored to the needs of Jamaah, while activities are public lectures incidental. That is now going much justeru theory we are always in the mosque in the form of a general theory.

Third, the mosque took place during this request without comment or opinion of Jamaah, so that activities on the willingness of the management of unilateral, or even part of the management. Ideally the mosque is an activity that dikehandaki together through consensus so that the activity is indeed required by, and be in charge of the mosque and Jamaah.

Fourth, Jamaah low motivation to improve quality and increase the knowledge of faith, therefore, important to always be reminded of the importance of activity Jamaah mosque to be followed. It is also important for the management of the mosque to make a personal approach Jamaah that would participate in mosque activities.

So short answer nurse, hopefully useful for us together, amien

Pemerintah Tetapkan Awal Ramadan 22 Agustus

Pemerintah melalui sidang itsbat (penetapan awal bulan Ramadan-Red), yang dipimpin Menteri Agama Muhammad Maftuh Basyuni menetapkan awal Ramadan 1430 H jatuh pada Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009.

Dalam kesempatan itu Menag juga menetapkan Badan Hisab dan Rukyat sebagai lembaga tetap penyelenggara hisab dan rukyat.

"Badan ini telah kita tetapkan sebagai lembaga tetap sejak 14 Juli 2009," kata Menag pada sidang itsbat di kantor Departemen Agama di Jakarta, Kamis malam.

Sidang tersebut dihadiri Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika M. Nuh, Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia Prof Dr Umar Shihab, Wakil Ketua Komisi VIII DPR Said Abdullah, pimpinan ormas-ormas Islam, para duta besar dan perwakilan negara sahabat, serta anggota Badan Hisab dan Rukyat Depag.

Menag mengatakan, pihaknya menyetujui Badan Hisab dan Rukyat untuk melakukan sidang hisab maupun rukyat dilakukan setiap bulan sebagaimana usulan Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah.

"Saya setuju sidang dilakukan setiap bulan kalau perlu mengundang pihak yang berbeda," ujarnya.

Ia juga mengatakan, pada tahun ini pemantauan juga dilakukan di sembilan titik di seluruh Indonesia dengan menggunakan teropong canggih. Sembilan titik pemantauan tersebut terletak di Pantai Longa Aceh, Bosca Bandung, Pelabuhan ratu, Sukabumi, Gresik, Lamongan Jatim, Semarang, Kupang, Ternate, Makassar.

Ketua Badan Hisab dan Rukyat, Muchtar Iljas yang menyampaikan hasil pemantauan di seluruh Indonesia menyebutkan, perhitungan data hisab yang dihimpun oleh Direktorat Jendral Bimas Islam dari 29 titik pemantauan di seluruh Indonesia menyatakan bahwa ijtima 29 Syaban 1430H/2009 M bertepatan hari Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009.

Ketinggian hilal masih di bawah ufuk berada pada posisi -3 derajat, 10 menit sampai 0 derajat, 30 menit.

"Saat matahari terbenam pada tanggal tersebut di seluruh Indonesia, posisi hilal berada di bawah ufuk. Berdasarkan laporan itu maka dapat disepakati bahwa 1 Ramadan jatuh pada hari Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2008," kata Muchtar yang juga Direktur Urusan Agama Islam Depag.

Sementara Ketua Laznah Falaqiah NU, Ahmad Gozali Masruri mengatakan, sejak NU ada pedoman yang dipakai adalah rukyatul hilal didukung oleh data hisab. "NU juga melakukan hisab karena kita punya kalender, tetapi hisab itu perlu dilakukan koreksi," ujarnya.

Ia juga mengusulkan agar rukyatul hilal dilakukan sebulan sekali.

Sedangkan pengurus Muhammadiyah, Abdul Fatah Wibisono mensyukuri keputusan pemerintah yang menetapkan awal Ramadan jatuh 22 Agustus 2009, karena Muhammadiyah juga mengawali puasa pada hari yang sama.

"Kami juga setuju usulan NU agar rukyatul hilal dilakukan setiap bulan," kata wakil sekretaris Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah ini.

Anggota LAPAN, Jamaluddin merasa kuatir dalam penentuan awal Ramadan dan 1 Syawal yang sering terjadi perbedaan. Tapi pada tahun ini menghasilkan kesimpulan yang sama. "Kalau kriterianya masih seperti ini, tahun depan bisa terjadi perbedaan," ujarnya.

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Anniversary RI 64 - Running will not my chase each duck ...

Warning independence day is always present splendor. The cry of "chase each other" and "catching" heard of hundreds of residents who witnessed the match in catching ducks Kalimalang, East Jakarta, Sunday (17 / 8). This game even participated also invite laughter at the two tails are on the ducks would successfully lead on 10 race participants.

Duck race on catching this, 10 people competed to catch the duck to be the committee time. The participants advanced to the swimming movement of the ducks to get there here. Interestingly, black and white feathered ducks that have the expertise to dive. When ducks disappeared, participants explore confusion in which the duck hiding.

"Shit, we work duck," said one participant, while the slot duck.

Soon, a voice sounded behind him "Kwek-Kwek." The duck is also not resistant so-long dive.

With her nimble wings flutter menjauh from the participants. It took about half an hour to catch the duck two tails.

For the successful, may bring home a duck arrested. In addition, the committee also provides a variety of interesting prizes for the winners.

"Not bad, though I duck curry at home," said Prapto, one of the winners, while the ducks in the right hands.

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Seluruh umat Islam kini menyerukan 'Marhaban Ya Ramadhan, Marhaban Ya Ramadhan", selamat datang Ramadhan, Selamat datang Ramadhan. Di masjid-masjid, musholla, koran-koran, stasiun televisi dan radio dan berbagai mailing list, ungkapan selamat datang Ramadhan tampil dengan berbagai ekpresi yang variatif.

Setiap media telah siap dengan dengan sederet agendanya masing-masing. Ada rasa gembira, ke-khusyu'-an, harapan, semangat dan nuansa spiritualitas lainnya yang sarat makna untuk diekpresikan. Itulah Ramadhan, bulan yang tahun lalu kita lepas kepergiannya dengan linangan air mata, kini datang kembali.

Sejumlah nilai-nilai dan hikmah-hikmah yang terkandung dalam ibadah puasa pun marak dikaji dan kembangkan. Ada nilai sosial, perdamaian, kemanusiaan, semangat gotong royong, solidaritas, kebersamaan, persahabatan dan semangat prularisme. Ada pula manfaat lahiriah seperti: pemulihan kesehatan (terutama perncernaan dan metabolisme), peningkatan intelektual, kemesraan dan keharmonisan keluarga, kasih sayang, pengelolaan hawa nafsu dan penyempurnaan nilai kepribadian lainnya. Ada lagi aspek spiritualitas: puasa untuk peningkatan kecerdasan spiritual, ketaqwaan dan penjernihan hati nurani dalam berdialog dengan al-Khaliq. Semuanya adalah nilai-nilai positif yang terkandung dalam puasa yang selayaknya tidak hanya kita pahami sebagai wacana yang memenuhi intelektualitas kita, namun menuntut implementasi dan penghayatan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan kita.

Yang juga penting dalam menyambut bulan Ramadhan tentunya adalah bagaimana kita merancang langkah strategis dalam mengisinya agar mampu memproduksi nilai-nilai positif dan hikmah yang dikandungnya. Jadi, bukan hanya melulu mikir menu untuk berbuka puasa dan sahur saja. Namun, kita sangat perlu menyusun menu rohani dan ibadah kita. Kalau direnungkan, menu buka dan sahur bahkan sering lebih istemawa (baca: mewah) dibanding dengan makanan keseharian kita. Tentunya, kita harus menyusun menu ibadah di bulan suci ini dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dan daripada hari-hari biasa. Dengan begitu kita benar-benar dapat merayakan kegemilangan bulan kemenangan ini dengan lebih mumpuni.

Ramadhan adalah bulan penyemangat. Bulan yang mengisi kembali baterai jiwa setiap muslim. Ramadhan sebagai 'Shahrul Ibadah' harus kita maknai dengan semangat pengamalan ibadah yang sempurna. Ramadhan sebagai 'Shahrul Fath' (bulan kemenangan) harus kita maknai dengan memenangkan kebaikan atas segala keburukan. Ramadhan sebagai "Shahrul Huda" (bulan petunjuk) harus kita implementasikan dengan semangat mengajak kepada jalan yang benar, kepada ajaran Al-Qur'an dan ajaran Nabi Muhammad Saw. Ramadhan sebagai "Shahrus-Salam" harus kita maknai dengan mempromosikan perdamaian dan keteduhan. Ramadhan sebagai 'Shahrul-Jihad" (bulan perjuangan) harus kita realisasikan dengan perjuangan menentang kedzaliman dan ketidakadilan di muka bumi ini. Ramadhan sebagai "Shahrul Maghfirah" harus kita hiasi dengan meminta dan memberiakan ampunan.

Dengan mempersiapkan dan memprogram aktifitas kita selama bulan Ramadhan ini, insya Allah akan menghasilkan kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan akan terasa istimewa manakala melalui perjuangan dan jerih payah. Semakin berat dan serius usaha kita meraih kabahagiaan, maka semakin nikmat kebahagiaan itu kita rasakan. Itulah yang dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadist Nabi bahwa orang yang berpuasa akan mendapatkan dua kebahagiaan.

Pertama yaitu kebahagiaan ketika ia "Ifthar" (berbuka). Ini artinya kebahagiaan yang duniawi, yang didapatkannya ketika terpenuhinya keinginan dan kebutuhan jasmani yang sebelumnya telah dikekangnya, maupun kabahagiaan rohani karena terobatinya kehausan sipritualitas dengan siraman-siraman ritualnya dan amal sholehnya.

Kedua, adalah kebahagiaan ketika bertemu dengan Tuhannya. Inilah kebahagian ukhrawi yang didapatkannya pada saat pertemuannya yang hakiki dengan al-Khaliq. Kebahagiaan yang merupakan puncak dari setiap kebahagiaan yang ada.

Akhirnya, hikmah-hikmah puasa dan keutamaan-keutaman Ramadhan di atas, dapat kita jadikan media untuk bermuhasabah dan menilai kualitas puasa kita. Hikmah-hikmah puasa dan Ramadhan yang sedemikian banyak dan mutidimensional, mengartikan bahwa ibadah puasa juga multidimensional. Begitu banyak aspek-aspek ibadah puasa yang harus diamalkan agar puasa kita benar-benar berkualitas dan mampu menghasilkan nilai-nilai positif yang dikandungnya. Seorang ulama sufi berkata "Puasa yang paling ringan adalah meninggalkan makan dan minum". Ini berarti di sana masih banyak puasa-puasa yang tidak sekedar beroleh dengan jalan makan dan minum selama sehari penuh, melainkan 'puasa' lain yang bersifat batiniah.

Semoga dengan mempersiapkan diri kita secara baik dan merencanakan aktifitas dan ibadah-ibadah dengan ihlas, serta berniat "liwajhillah wa limardlatillah", karena Allah dan karena mencari ridha Allah, kita mendapatkan kedua kebahagiaan tersebut, yaitu "sa'adatud-daarain" kebahagiaan dunia dan akherat. Semoga kita bisa mengisi Ramadhan tidak hanya dengan kuantitas harinya, namun lebih dari pada itu kita juga memperhatikan kualitas puasa kita.

( Dari Pesantren Virtual )

Obama Demonstration Dozens of Armed

Dozens of armed men, including one long-armed special military barrel, took action in the performance sense of the building outside the U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech in front of the veterans in Phoneix, Arizona, on Monday (17 / 8) night.

Phoneix police say, the bearer of weapons, including the man with the gun half-otomation AR-15, does not need permission because the rules state that does not prohibit civilians carrying weapons so that no one demonstrator was arrested.

The demonstrators were supporters Second Amendments of the Constitution that allows citizens to bring civil and have weapons.

Men of the long barrel weapons reject the name. However, the The Arizona Republic that he was carrying a weapon because it is not prohibited. "In Arizona, I still have the freedom," his blazing. A detective Oliver, who oversees the men's location in the demonstration, said, police also want to make sure no one badger.

Last week, when the Obama campaign about health services in New Hampshire, also a man of action with the bound on the pistol sepucuk feet. Police ask the men to leave the location, but it was not arrested.

Fred Solop, political experts from the Northern Arizona University, said the incident in New Hampshire and Arizona shows the signal behavior of a "disrupt" in the political world. "When you start carrying a weapon in political campaigns, it had been diagnosed concern. This is certainly frightening for many people. This raises a frightening ability to effect our safety," said Solop.

Secret Service spokesman (army guards the president), Ed Donovan, said, the demonstrators in Arizona and New Hampshire does not impact on the security of the president. "In both cases, the subject (demonstrators) does not enter the location or try to (enter). They were in the area which is allotment to the public. This primary does not need to know they will be allowed entry with a weapon," he said.

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Heavy rain, was perplexed statesman Entertaining

Because to the sudden downpour wet Jakarta, statesman fete that took place in the middle of the State Palace was perplexed. Precipitation not only runny tables and chairs that are in the middle of the page and stage, but also to make preparation reception after the Independence Day celebration ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia, in Jakarta on Monday (17 / 8) fall apart.

Precipitation over almost the entire reception area statesman did not use tents, tents, except for dinner. Tables, including tables, chairs and presidents and vice president who also prepared the stage for the orchestra, led Dwiki Dharmawan sopping.

While awaiting the return of President and Vice President in the page in the Merdeka Palace, Presidential spokesman Dino Patti Djalal has announced there is heavy rain so the ambassador after giving farewell to the president requested remain in the room in the palace.

But when the rain stops, because the room could not accommodate our guests and ambassadors of the guests finally leave the reception area statesman. They directly attack the food provided.

For the moment, the president and vice president to coordinate with the protocol and ajudan countries to overcome the impact of heavy rain is. President, Vice President and guests had to wait tables diekringkan and chairs replaced.

Currently, the president, Vice President and the guests eat. Meanwhile, the stage can not be used for showtimes orchestra and dances.

Megawati's Not Coming Back to the Palace

The presence of former president following his family and always be hold on warning splendor seconds Independence Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia in the Merdeka Palace. In commemoration seconds to Proclamation Independence of RI-64, Monday (17 / 8), five of the Soekarno present thousands of invitations.

Five is Dewi Soekarno Soekarno (one of President Soekarno's wife), and four children Sorkarno, namely Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, Guruh Soekarnoputra, and Bayu Soekarnoputra.

Dewi berkebaya the white and light blue berkain come first. And then follow Rachmawati Bayu. Sukma wearing a hat with a feather ornament Guruh and come together.

At home, and Dewi Rachma out the last of the Merdeka Palace drive a golf be steered presidential security forces. Among the large family Soekarno, Megawati Soekarnoputri that only in the last five years does not appear at the Merdeka Palace. Megawati is also the former President always attends memorial seconds Proclamation Independence of RI in Kebagusan, South Jakarta.

Unlike the previous years, this warning is not attended by any former President. The former President who had previously come, among others, BJ Habibie and Abdurrahman Wahid KH. Habibie news are still in Germany, while Abdurrahman dikabarkan still in care because of illness.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

The Food Hair Loss

Do not leave deciduous hair beauty threaten you. Prevent Feed with nutritious food to restore the strength of the root of the hair.

Fish, eggs and nuts
Our hair is basically consists of protein, because high-protein food that is highly recommended for maintaining the health of hair. Select the protein without the fat, such as fish, chicken, eggs, almond nuts, yogurt, or know. High-fat foods will make the content on the male hormone testoteron decrease the impact on the hair fall out.

Iron hold an important role in making hemoglobin, the blood which carry oxygen to organs and tissue throughout the body. When our good hemoglobin level, oxygen can also distribution perfect. This means that the circulation of blood can get to the root of the hair, which will stimulate hair growth.

Add foods contain iron in your diet the day-to-day. Food such as eggs, green vegetables, raisins, and whole grain cereals, is a source of iron is good. In addition, the consumption of vitamin C because vitamin increase the ability of this body in absorbing iron.

Men who have known the bald zinc deficiency in the body. Zinc play a role in many body functions, ranging from cell production to balance hormones, and these functions affect the growth of hair. In addition, zinc play a role in the gland hairs of "binding" the root of the hair.

If we lack of zinc, folikel hair so weak, so easily detached from the hair root. To overcome this, the consumption of food containing high zinc, such as red meat, poultry, nuts, shellfish, or shrimp.

Double Vitamin D and Calcium for dislocated

May be hundreds of times you hear the Feed the importance of calcium and vitamin D for bones and teeth strong. Calcium is a mineral that most are in the human body, namely 99 persennya is in the skeleton. While the other one percent is in the body tissues and fluids that will be widely distributed throughout the body.

To avoid having pengeroposan bones in old age, consumption of adequate calcium should be performed since the age of five. Because bone formation began in the children and reached its peak in the age of 35 years. Research also shows calcium can increase the level of the child.

RI Department of Health Data 2002 shows, Feed the average calcium Indonesian only 254 mg / day. Significantly when compared with the recommended standard of the world health body (WHO), namely 800 mg / day for children under five and 800-1000 mg / day for people aged 15-65 years.

Unfortunately, most people are reluctant to drink milk and eat cheese because no body want to be fat. It is not surprising prevalence of osteopenia (early osteoporosis) in this country of 41.7 percent. In fact the Indonesian people have begun to realize the needs calcium. However, many businesses do not do anything to replenish their daily calcium needs.

The easiest way to get calcium in a pattern of eating is the day-to-day with consumption products made from milk, yoghurt, cheese, green vegetables, wheat-ganduman, and grains. Food such as where people know and also contain calcium, each of 124 milligram and 129 milligram.

In order for calcium to be able to work well in the body, we also need vitamin D. Without vitamin D, human gut is able to absorb only 10-15 percent of calcium in food. When sufficient vitamin D, calcium is able to be up to 30 percent.

Various research shows, sun exposure can increase the production of vitamin D in the skin. However, even though we live in a country rich in tropical sunlight, vitamin D deficiency risk remains high. "Style of life in urban communities who leave work and go home the morning after the sunset makes us less exposed to sunlight," said Joan P Sumpo, senior nutrition experts from the Kraft Foods Regional.

Activities that are largely conducted in a closed room and practice wear that cover most of the body also contribute to prevent entry of ultraviolet radiation rays to the skin. Belum lagi concerns of women of sunlight that can discolor the skin.

Therefore, take some time each day for the "bath" the sun, especially in the morning and afternoon. According to Joan, the sun can also help us to improve mood. "When you're glum or angry, try bask in the sun, the heart certainly frisky again," he said.

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Importance of Vitamin C for Skin Elasticity

Although famous as a vitamin that is able to provide additional energy for the body, vitamin C appeared to have added value. Vitamin C is one vitamin that dissolves in water and is known by the name of another acid askorbat. Benefits the other is to help absorption of iron, as antioxidants, increase feses disposal, and prevent gum bleeding. Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that vitamin C also causes cancer ward poisons in our bodies.

Best source of vitamin C obtained from many fruits yellow or sour taste. For example, orange, tomato, strawberry, strawberry. Also in vegetables such as asparagus and cabbage. Hewaninya source is milk, butter, potatoes, fish, and heart.

Feed the recommended depending on the lifestyle that we do day-to-day. For example, a smoker needs vitamin Feed this more of a non-smoker. The toxic contents in cigarettes can reduce vitamin C content in the blood as much as 25 percent. In general, the recommended aadlah Feed 75-2000 mg per day, as needed. Handful of fresh blueberry fruit contains approximately 30 mg vitamin C.

However, women who are pregnant should not mengasup vitamin C more than 5000 mg per day. If consumed excessively, can fetus dependence vitamin C. This information is based on research conducted by Oregon Health & Science University.

Former Head of Real prison Khmer crucified

The former head of the prison-torture center is also called Red-Khmer session the current indictment on genocide, on Wednesday (12 / 8), Cambodia gave people ask "heavy punishment."

Duch (read: Doik) the name of the original Kaing Guek Eav indictment charged the crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder, and torture. Session because he oversees the torture and killing about 15,000 people in the Tuol Sleng detention center in the late 1970's.

"I accept the remorse, grief, and suffering of millions of Cambodian people who have lost their husbands and wives," he said in court that supported the United Nations. "I want to give people of Cambodia, the most serious punishment."

Only a few dozens of thousands of people tortured in the detention center during the Khmer Red 1975-1979 have survived.

"If there is a tradition-such as Cambodia first period when people crucify Jesus Christ, the people of Cambodia, I can do. I will accept, "said Duch, who in the decade of 1990s and become a Christian evangelical organization working for international aid.

Duch had been accept responsibility for his role leading the prison. He apologize for any war crimes and crimes against humanity.

However, he has consistently rejected the prosecution claim that he holds a leadership role in the center of the Red Khmer. He said no one was killed during the Red Khmer regime.

"I will accept without objection ... judgment that all will be made by this court, upon the judgment my role as head of the S-21 and all the crimes committed there. My life is just one and can not be compared with those who lost their lives, "he said.

People first

Duch is the first of five senior leaders of the Red Khmer scheduled hearing and the only one who admitted responsibility for the actions. Session, which began in March, is estimated to be completed end of the year.

Led by Pol Pot, who died in 1998, the Red Khmer evacuate cities in Cambodia in an attempt to build a utopia Agrarian, with the results of the catastrophe until two million people because of hunger, hard work, and torture.

Duch, who was asked by the judge to talk about murder-murder of the Red Khmer, it is said that "As the death of an elephant that can not be hidden by one with only two pieces of tamarind tree leaves."

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Color of the vegetables and the influence of mood

Not only beneficial to health, food colors can also help create emotional (mood).

While feeling less tired and the spirit, try mengonsumsi food groups from the rich red color of energy. Conversely, avoid red food groups, if negative emotions are high or moderate relaks want. Sample food groups are red strawberry, tomato, paprika red, and bit.

While lack of energy, depressed, distracted or obstacles encountered, consumption food groups that cause orange aura joy.
Sample food groups is the yellow banana, naans, faint cucumber, blewah, kesemek, pumpkin, yellow, paprika, butter and cassava.

When anxious, nervous, and worried, tenangkan themselves with food mengonsumsi green. Sample food groups is a green green apples, kiwi, avokad, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, and lettuce.

Usir feeling tired and concerned with the food color blue that you can restore the sense of comfort. Consumption blue food do the same with relaxation.

Sample food is a bit blue, of which spirulina. Green spirulina in the womb caused by a pigment klorofil, while the blue color of the pigment phycocyanin.

When need motivation and want to realize a desire, choose the food because the purple color of this spirit can burn.

Sample food groups is the purple wine, jamblang, various types of beri, Markisa medan, purple eggplant, purple cabbage, purple paprika, and onion.

Ibrohim Be Terrorists Since 2000

Ibrohim or Boim, florist JW Marriott Hotel which is the planner, regulator, controller and suicide bomb attack on the JW Marriott Hotel and the Ritz-Carlton joined the group of Noordin M Top since 2000. He disappeared pascapeledakan bombing and identified as the man who died in penggerebekan in Temanggung, Central Java.

Since 28 April 2005, he worked at JW Marriott Hotel as Organized interest. He was the company's employee Cynthia Playground interest. During the four years working in the hotel, Ibrohim learn tricks Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton. Both hotels are located not far apart in the Regions Mega Kuningan, Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations Division Irjen Mabes Polri Nanan Sukarna in persnya information to journalists in the police hospital in Jakarta, said, Boim diligent profession as Organized interest since 1995.

"From 1995-1997, Boim work on the gardens at JHCC (Jakarta Hilton Convention Center, now Jakarta Convention Center), and from 1997-2005 worked as a Playground for interest in the Hotel Mulia, and since 25 April 2005 to employees in the car park Cynthia JW Marriott Hotel, "said Nanan.

Boim suspected joined the radical group through this iparnya brother Saifuddin Juhri. In the former house in the area Cililitan, stick a sticker on the front wall of the house reads "Be a Good Moeslim as martyr or Die."

On the wall in the home also found a square image, such as hotels with graffiti lines under the thumb can be deciphered as a fire. In the image depends on a white T-shirts with any posts Ritz-Carlton hotel and the logo.

Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Hillary's day in the Congo

Minister of Foreign Affairs United States Hillary Clinton arrived on Monday (10 / 8) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo dicabik-fourth war in the dismissal of lawatannya to seven African countries.

Hillary, who arrived in Kinshasa from Angola, will live for 24 hours less in the African countries is a vast middle, where he will visit a hospital in the capital Kinshasa, to meet with university students, and dinner with Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito.

On Tuesday, he will travel to the city of Goma important in eastern Congo for talks with the head of the UN mission in that country, Alan Doss, and a meeting with President Joseph Kabila.

He will also visit the private hospital Heal Africa, a number of caring for victims of sexual violence in the country where the UN estimates almost 3,500 women have been raped since the beginning of this year in the eastern part of the country.

Hillary is expected to discuss the problem of rape, which is answerable by the UN troops on the rebels, local militia, regular army and DR Congo.

RD Congo emerged from a new five-year regional war (1998-2003) and brother of the conflict (2004-2009). Timr the country is still not very stable because of the presence of armed groups, especially rebel Hutu Rwanda, some of them allegedly took part in the ethnic extermination in 1994 in that country.

Hillary Hits it arrived after Kabila and Rwanda President Paul Kagame met on August 6 to develop a full diplomatic relationship that lost more than a decade earlier when the war mempporak-porandakan DR Congo.

Head of the U.S. has diplomatic visit Kenya, South Africa, and Angola, and will continue to visit Nigeria, Liberia, and Cape Verde.

Large earthquake in the Andaman does not trigger tsunami

Large earthquake strength 7.6 Richter scale in the Indian Ocean whale offshore in the Andaman, India, Tuesday (11 / 8) early days. However, the attention the tsunami in India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and then canceled.

Approximately two hours after the earthquake, no reports about the tsunami from the sea edge countries or the victims of the earthquake is due. "We all go out as soon as possible and not back into, other concerned earthquake. Everything shook, we were all very, very afraid," Subhasis Paul, who runs a shop on the island of Diglipur supply in North Andaman, said at the Reuters by phone.

"People yelling at each other for other people out of their houses and gather together everyone outside," said Paul's Diglipur, about 300 km north of Port Blair, capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Geology U.S. survey said that the quake, which was originally reported strength SR 7.7, occurred at 01.55 local time (19.55 GMT), the depth of 20.6 miles (33 km), and is based on the 26 km north of Port Blair.

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Oseanik Administration and the atmosphere of the U.S. National cautions that there is a possibility that the waves appear along the coast up to 1000 km from the center of the earthquake. However, the institutions is interesting warning.

"Reading the sea surface indicate that the tsunami did not occur significantly," he said in a statement.

An official at the Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services, said no tsunami warning was issued by departemennya.

"We do not issue a tsunami warning and is overseeing the changes in the surface water level in the area today," Ajay Kumar told Reuters by telephone.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a series of small islands hundreds of miles east of India in the Indian Ocean.

Earthquake strength 7.6 SR classified by USGS as a strong earthquake and can cause great damage widely. Larger earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004 has caused the tsunami which killed around 228,000 people.

In Indonesia, the meteorology agency official said, the office overseeing Aceh at the end of the island of Sumatra. However, so far no reports about the tsunami.

Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Vitamin E, How Many Body Needed?

Vitamin E and free radical (free radical).
Second term is surely you often hear. Not only on food, but also on various beauty products, vitamin E diunggulkan always powerful to fight free radicals.
What is the vitamin E? Why always be associated with free radical? Whether vitamin E is only effective against free radicals?

Vitamin E is the vitamin that dissolves in fat. That is, there are vitamins in the food greasy, and the body can only be digested by bile in the liver, because it does not dissolve in water.
Function of vitamin E
Addition can improve the body's resistance, to help overcome stress, increase fertility, minimizing the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease, vitamin E has a role is very important for skin health.

Vitamin E to maintain, improve elasticity and
moist skin, prevent early premature aging process, protect skin from damage due to ultraviolet ray radiation, and expedite the process of healing wounds.
Source of vitamin E

Vitamin E is available in lots of oil produced from seeds, such as peanut oil, corn oil skin, oil and corn oil sunflower seeds. In addition, vitamin E is also found in green vegetables, cereals, liver, yolk, milk fat, nuts and butter.
It is important to remember about vitamin E, is easily damaged by high heat (cooking process)
and oxidation (exposure to oxygen). Therefore, the source of vitamin E is best fresh food, raw, or food that has not been processed.

Then, why vitamin E is often associated with free radical?
Free radical oxidation is the result of the molecules in the body. In fact, if produced in a number of fit, free radical required for the health and body function, namely to emerangi inflammation, kill bacteria and harmful smooth muscle tonus control vein and other organs in
body. But when produced in excess limit, free radicals can attack the body cells. So that the function changed. This function changes the cells that trigger process premature aging prematurity, and various health disturbances.
Summary oxygen free radicals in the body of substances can be prevented by antioxidants, which stop the work and activities of free radicals to protect healthy cells from damage. One of the substances the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin E.

How much is needed by the body?
If you want to function as antioxidants vitamin E, then a woman needs at least 120 IU (international units) per day. However, according to the medical record, most women in Indonesia only food that contains 10.4 - 13.4 IU per day. Sufficient for the needs, we can consumption vitamin E and synthetic vitamin E (dl-a tokoferol).
Because we need vitamin E is limited, then the body will react immediately when the condition is not comparable. Symptoms of an inch different look, but tend to be vague so that it can be difficult to understand.

Deficiency symptoms
When the vitamin E content in blood is very low, red blood cell is broken and split. The process of red blood cell division is called hemolisis eritrodit. This situation causes interference in the nerve system and muscles. Symptoms that are perceived difficulty walking
and settle on a painful calf muscle.

Excess vitamin E
Virulence can occur if you consumption vitamin E in excess. You will experience headaches, weakness and always lelahs, dizziness and vision disturbances that accompanied.

From Various Sources

Life Active Style Can Delay Prematur Aging

Being active is a lot of people benefit. In addition to more active physically in shape, people who are also active biological want far younger than the sluggard who pass most of the time in front of the television, so the results of studies that broadcast in the 'Archives of Internal Medicine'.

A study long-term health, which is based on the 2401 twin found that those with active lifestyles appear 10 years younger than the biology of those people who sit a lot more.

Some researchers took DNA from white blood cells and analyzing the cells that have the hereditary nature in order to determine the length of a series of genetics called telomere, found at the end of the chromosome. Telomere grow short when one cell split. When a telomere is too short, cells stop split. Penuaan occur when more cells reach the end of the telomere and its dead.

Studies show that people quite active and doing physical activities an average of 100 minutes per week that have telomere average look five or six times more young than the subject that are less active and make physical activity an average of 16 minutes each weekend.

They do the most activities, an average of 199 minutes per week, have a look around the telomere nine to 10 years younger than the most inactive.

"This data shows that sports activities may eventually protect the body from old process," said Tim D. Spector, genetic epidemiology professor at the King `s College in London, who led the study.

Physical activity can also reduce the psychological stress, which has been associated with telomere length. Many researchers said they hope the doctors can use the findings to encourage people to exercise.

"It is expected that when a teaching physician or the medical clinic to provide advice to their patients, this may be another reason to bid," said Spector. "It also may slow the process old, and people might actually look and feel younger, which we know will be good for most people."

If caught Noordin M Top, Maybe End Terrorism?

Kingpin terrorist Noordin M Top is used as the person responsible for the actions serentetan suicide bombing since Bom Bali I in 2002 until Bom Kuningan in 2009. Now, the detachment for 88 middle catch attempt at a home in the Hamlet Beji, Kedu Village, District Kedu, Temanggung, Central Java.

Efforts peringkusan held since Friday (8 / 8) evening news until this is revealed. So, people are wondering who, if successfully captured Noordin, terrorism will action Indonesia ends of the earth?

Wawan Purwanto intelligence experts say sanctions akan this. "It is not, as many successor, as Upik, who is also education Azahari. In addition, there are many more offspring," said Wawan to Metro TV, Saturday (9 / 8).

Upik Lawanga alias Taufik Bulaga, the actions of violence in Poso, was suspected as a bomb perakit three in Mega Kuningan, where two of them exploded in the Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton. Sources in the police, said the bomb specifications identical to the Mega Kuningan bomb that exploded in Tentena, Central Sulawesi, 2005.

In fact, Wawan estimate, was died Azahari, who died when tertembak involved shooting with officers in Batu, East Java, in 2005, they are more experienced. Evidence, now know they have the use of urine can increase the ledak a bomb.

"They continue to perform testing. This is possible with the raw materials that are not difficult to get. They also are not stupid people," he said. So, what if Noordin killed? "Yes, (terrorism) continue to run. Diia Expertise bomb not only up, but it affects other people," added Wawan.

Densus 88 Pieces 3 Location Camp Terrorists

Kapolri General (Pol) Bambang Hendarso Danuri said suicide bombing post-detonation JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton July 17, the police continue to pursue the perpetrators of bombardment. This operation is focused to the 3 locations, namely Jakarta, Solo, and Temanggung.

In one of penggerebekan the digencarkan by Densus 88 in the housing Nusaphala, Puri Nusaphala, Rt 004/012, Block D12, Jatiasih, Bekasi, 2 people be killed. The two terrorist suspects was killed after trying to throw pipe bombs Densus 88 personnel.

The two terrorist suspects who killed Setiawan is AR (28), the fugitive bomb Australian Embassy in Kuningan, Jakarta, and Amir Abdillah, order room number 1808 at the hotel JW Marriot.

After the defeat of the home, the team Gegana a bomb blast forced active that do not domesticated from the house at 05:45 WIB. Located in the vicinity of the location similar to the rice field or area used as a location in Temanggung terrorist hideout, hiding in the house Nusaphala Puri was considered a safe place for terrorists during this. In the home in Jatiasih, Bekasi, there are one hundred kilogram bomb, baby trap similar TNT, and 3 tupper ware wrapping bombs.

Hal Ihwal Nisfu Sya'ban

Pada malam tanggal 15 Sya'ban (Nisfu Sya'ban) telah terjadi peristiwa penting dalam sejarah perjuangan umat Islam yang tidak boleh kita lupakan sepanjang masa. Di antaranya adalah perintah memindahkan kiblat salat dari Baitul Muqoddas yang berada di Palestina ke Ka'bah yang berada di Masjidil Haram, Makkah pada tahun ke delapan Hijriyah.

Sebagaimana kita ketahui, sebelum Nabi Muhammad hijrah ke Madinah yang menjadi kiblat salat adalah Ka'bah. Kemudian setelah beliau hijrah ke Madinah, beliau memindahkan kiblat salat dari Ka'bah ke Baitul Muqoddas yang digunakan orang Yahudi sesuai dengan izin Allah untuk kiblat salat mereka. Perpindahan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menjinakkan hati orang-orang Yahudi dan untuk menarik mereka kepada syariat al-Quran dan agama yang baru yaitu agama tauhid.

Tetapi setelah Rasulullah saw menghadap Baitul Muqoddas selama 16-17 bulan, ternyata harapan Rasulullah tidak terpenuhi. Orang-orang Yahudi di Madinah berpaling dari ajakan beliau, bahkan mereka merintangi Islamisasi yang dilakukan Nabi dan mereka telah bersepakat untuk menyakitinya. Mereka menentang Nabi dan tetap berada pada kesesatan.

Karena itu Rasulullah saw berulang kali berdoa memohon kepada Allah swt agar diperkenankan pindah kiblat salat dari Baitul Muqoddas ke Ka'bah lagi, setelah Rasul mendengar ejekan orang-orang Yahudi yang mengatakan, "Muhammad menyalahi kita dan mengikuti kiblat kita. Apakah yang memalingkan Muhammad dan para pengikutnya dari kiblat (Ka'bah) yang selama ini mereka gunakan?"

Ejekan mereka ini dijawab oleh Allah swt dalam surat al Baqarah ayat 143:

وَمَا جَعَلْنَا الْقِبْلَةَ الَّتِى كُنْتَ عَلَيْهَا إلاَّ لِيَعْلَمَ مَنْ يَتَّبِعُ الرَّسُولَ مِمَّنْ يَنْقَلِبُ عَلَى عَقِبَيْهِ.

Dan kami tidak menjadikan kiblat yang menjadi kiblatmu, melainkan agar kami mengetahui siapa yang mengikuti Rasul dan siapa yang membelot…

Dan pada akhirnya Allah memperkenankan Rasulullah saw memindahkan kiblat salat dari Baitul Muqoddas ke Ka'bah sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surat al-Baqarah ayat 144.

Diantara kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam pada malam Nisfu Sya'ban adalah membaca surat Yasin tiga kali yang setiap kali diikuti doa yang antara lain isinya adalah:

"Ya Allah jika Engkau telah menetapkan aku di sisi-Mu dalam Ummul Kitab (buku induk) sebagai orang celaka atau orang-orang yang tercegah atau orang yang disempitkan rizkinya maka hapuskanlah ya Allah demi anugerah-Mu, kecelakaanku, ketercegahanku, dan kesempitan rizkiku.."

Bacaan Yasin tersebut dilakukan di masjid-masjid, surau-surau atau di rumah-rumah sesudah salat maghrib.

Sebagian dari orang-orang yang mengaku ahli ilmu telah menganggap ingkar perbuatan tersebut, menuduh orang-orang yang melakukannya telah berbuat bid'ah dan melakukan penyimpangan terhadap agama karena doa dianggap ada kesalahan ilmiyah yaitu meminta penghapusan dan penetapan dari Ummul Kitab. Padahal kedua hal tersebut tidak ada tempat bagi penggantian dan perubahan.

Tanggapan mereka ini kurang tepat, sebab dalam syarah kitab hadist Arbain Nawawi diterangkan bahwa takdir Allah swt itu ada empat macam:

  1. Takdir yang ada di ilmu Allah. Takdir ini tidak mungkin dapat berubah, sebagaimana Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda:

    لاَيَهْلِكُ اللهُ إلاَّ هَالِكًا

    "Tiada Allah mencelakakan kecuali orang celaka, yaitu orang yang telah ditetapkan dalam ilmu Allah Taala bahwa dia adalah orang celaka."

  2. Takdir yang ada dalam Lauhul Mahfudh. Takdir ini mungkin dapat berubah, sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surat ar-Ra'du ayat 39 yang berbunyi:

    يَمْحُو اللهُ مَا يَشَاءُ وَيُثْبِتُ وَعِنْدَهُ أُمُّ الكِتَابِ.

    "Allah menghapuskan apa yang Dia kehendaki dan menetapkan apa yang dikehendaki, dan di sisi-Nyalah terdapat Ummul Kitab (Lauhul Mahfudz)."

    Dan telah diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar, bahwa beliau mengucapkan dalam doanya yaitu "Ya Allah jika engkau telah menetapkan aku sebagai orang yang celaka maka hapuslah kecelakaanku, dan tulislah aku sebagai orang yang bahagia".

  3. Takdir dalam kandungan, yaitu malaikat diperintahkan untuk mencatat rizki, umur, pekerjaan, kecelakaan, dan kebahagiaan dari bayi yang ada dalam kandungan tersebut.
  4. Takdir yang berupa penggiringan hal-hal yang telah ditetapkan kepada waktu-waktu yang telah ditentukan. Takdir ini juga dapat diubah sebagaimana hadits yang menyatakan: "Sesungguhnya sedekah dan silaturrahim dapat menolak kematian yang jelek dan mengubah menjadi bahagia." Dalam salah satu hadits Nabi Muhammad saw pernah bersabda,

    إنَّ الدُّعَاءَ وَالبَلاَءَ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ والاَرْضِ يَقْتَتِلاَنِ وَيَدْفَعُ الدُّعَاءُ البَلاَءَ قَبْلَ أنْ يَنْزِلَ.

    "Sesungguhnya doa dan bencana itu diantara langit dan bumi, keduanya berperang; dan doa dapat menolak bencana, sebelum bencana tersebut turun."

Diantara kebiasaan kaum muslimin pada malam Nisfu Sya'ban adalah melakukan salat pada tengah malam dan datang ke pekuburan untuk memintakan maghfirah bagi para leluhur yang telah meninggal dunia. Kebiasaan seperti ini adalah berdasar dari amal perbuatan atau sunnah Nabi Muhammad saw. Antara lain ada hadist yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Baihaqi dalam Musnadnya dari Sayidah Aisyah RA, yang artinya kurang lebih sebagai berikut:

"Pada suatu malam Rasulullah saw berdiri melakukan salat dan beliau memperlama sujudnya, sehingga aku mengira bahwa beliau telah meninggal dunia. Tatkala aku melihat hal yang demikian itu, maka aku berdiri lalu aku gerakkan ibu jari beliau dan ibu jari itu bergerak lalu aku kembali ke tempatku dan aku mendengar beliau mengucapkan dalam sujudnya: "Aku berlindung dengan maaf-Mu dari siksa-Mu; aku berlindung dengan kerelaan-Mu dari murka-Mu; dan aku berlindung dengan Engkau dari Engkau. Aku tidak dapat menghitung sanjungan atas-Mu sebagaimana Engkau menyanjung atas diri-Mu." Setelah selesai dari salat beliau bersabda kepada Aisyah, "Ini adalah malam Nisfu Sya'ban. Sesungguhnya Allah 'azza wajalla berkenan melihat kepada para hamba-Nya pada malam Nisfu Sya'ban, kemudian mengampunkan bagi orang-orang yang meminta ampun, memberi rahmat kepada orang-orang yang memohon rahmat, dan mengakhiri ahli dendam seperti keadaan mereka."

Nabi Muhammad saw pada malam Nisfu Sya'ban berdoa untuk para umatnya, baik yang masih hidup maupun mati. Dalam hal ini Sayidah Aisyah RA meriwayatkan hadits:

إنَّهُ خَرَجَ فِى هَذِهِ اللَّيْلَةِ إلَى الْبَقِيعِ فَوَجَدْتُهُ يَسْتَغْفِرُ لِلْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ وَالمُؤْمِنَاتِ وَالشُّهَدَاءِ.

"Sesungguhnya Nabi Muhammad saw telah keluar pada malam ini (malam Nisfu Sya'ban) ke pekuburan Baqi' (di kota Madinah) kemudian aku mendapati beliau (di pekuburan tersebut) sedang memintakan ampun bagi orang-orang mukminin dan mukminat dan para syuhada."

Banyak hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad bin Hanbal, at-Tirmidzi, at-Tabrani, Ibn Hibban, Ibn Majah, Baihaqi, dan an-Nasa'i bahwa Rasulullah saw menghormati malam Nisfu Sya'ban dan memuliakannya dengan memperbanyak salat, doa, dan istighfar.

Dari Berbagai Sumber

Start Densus Troops Attack House "Noordin"

TEMANGGUNG - After 12 hours beleaguer more troops Densus 88 antiteror start invade the home Mohzahri (60), which made hiding by terrorist leader Noordin M Top, its groups.

PR Kadiv Mabes Polri Irjen (Pol) Nanan Soekarna, last night said there are about 3 to 4 people in the house and one of them is alleged to Noordin M Top.

As much at 07.50 WIB some officers appear to move Densus terrace house Mohzuhri. Some time later an explosion occurred a fourth time destroyed dissolved roof of the house.

However, there has been no response at all from the home in good shape in the cross fire and other

After Robot, Police Start Slink House "Noordin"

TEMANGGUNG - Although beset the house suspected of Noordin M Top inhabited since at night, the police can close the terrorist leader's house in the morning. After send the robot scout, now Densus 88 Antiteror troops began approaching the house.

Home owned Mohzahri (60) is located in Beji Hamlet, Village Kedu, Temanggung, Central Java. A number of teams with special equipment Densus already visible near the door of the house from the west on Saturday (8/8/2009) morning.

Voters also had heard an explosion a few moments when the team approached the house. Densus seen dozens of officers dressed in all black 88 and mask face appears to move slowly while sediment slink home near Mohzahri.

Not yet clear what the results of the monitoring team is Densus 88. Circulating newspaper, Noordin is suspected of residing in the house are killed.

Noordin M Top Alone Defend

The number one fugitive in Indonesia, Noordin M Top is estimated to stand alone in the house in the village Beji, Temanggung. According to information collected, in the house Noordin equip themselves with weapons and bombs.

But in another report also mentioned, in the house also have a grandmother and three kid. Until this news was revealed there is no clear information, in fact anyone who is in the house. Noordin alone or with others.

Also obtained information, people who witnessed the penggerebekan home Muhzuhri residence Noordin is more and more. Citizens to meet the road to the house, so make it official.

Meanwhile, 88 officers Densus use megapone mengimbau who dwells in a house that has been besieged it immediately resign.

Sepuluh Langkah Menyambut Ramadhan

1. Berdoalah agar Allah swt. memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk bertemu dengan bulan Ramadan dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat. Dengan keadaan sehat, kita bisa melaksanakan ibadah secara maksimal di bulan itu, baik puasa, shalat, tilawah, dan dzikir. Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. berkata, bahwa Rasulullah saw. apabila masuk bulan Rajab selalu berdoa, ”Allahuma bariklana fii rajab wa sya’ban, wa balighna ramadan.” Artinya, ya Allah, berkahilah kami pada bulan Rajab dan Sya’ban; dan sampaikan kami ke bulan Ramadan. (HR. Ahmad dan Tabrani)

Para salafush-shalih selalu memohon kepada Allah agar diberikan karunia bulan Ramadan; dan berdoa agar Allah menerima amal mereka. Bila telah masuk awal Ramadhan, mereka berdoa kepada Allah, ”Allahu akbar, allahuma ahillahu alaina bil amni wal iman was salamah wal islam wat taufik lima tuhibbuhu wa tardha.” Artinya, ya Allah, karuniakan kepada kami pada bulan ini keamanan, keimanan, keselamatan, dan keislaman; dan berikan kepada kami taufik agar mampu melakukan amalan yang engkau cintai dan ridhai.

2. Bersyukurlah dan puji Allah atas karunia Ramadan yang kembali diberikan kepada kita. Al-Imam Nawawi dalam kitab Adzkar-nya berkata, ”Dianjurkan bagi setiap orang yang mendapatkan kebaikan dan diangkat dari dirinya keburukan untuk bersujud kepada Allah sebagai tanda syukur; dan memuji Allah dengan pujian yang sesuai dengan keagungannya.” Dan di antara nikmat terbesar yang diberikan Allah kepada seorang hamba adalah ketika dia diberikan kemampuan untuk melakukan ibadah dan ketaatan. Maka, ketika Ramadan telah tiba dan kita dalam kondisi sehat wal afiat, kita harus bersyukur dengan memuji Allah sebagai bentuk syukur.

3. Bergembiralah dengan kedatangan bulan Ramadan. Rasulullah saw. selalu memberikan kabar gembira kepada para shahabat setiap kali datang bulan Ramadan, “Telah datang kepada kalian bulan Ramadan, bulan yang penuh berkah. Allah telah mewajibkan kepada kalian untuk berpuasa. Pada bulan itu Allah membuka pintu-pintu surga dan menutup pintu-pintu neraka.” (HR. Ahmad).

Salafush-shalih sangat memperhatikan bulan Ramadan. Mereka sangat gembira dengan kedatangannya. Tidak ada kegembiraan yang paling besar selain kedatangan bulan Ramadan karena bulan itu bulan penuh kebaikan dan turunnya rahmat.

4. Rancanglah agenda kegiatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat sebesar mungkin dari bulan Ramadan. Ramadhan sangat singkat. Karena itu, isi setiap detiknya dengan amalan yang berharga, yang bisa membersihkan diri, dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah.

5. Bertekadlah mengisi waktu-waktu Ramadan dengan ketaatan. Barangsiapa jujur kepada Allah, maka Allah akan membantunya dalam melaksanakan agenda-agendanya dan memudahnya melaksanakan aktifitas-aktifitas kebaikan. “Tetapi jikalau mereka benar terhadap Allah, niscaya yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi mereka.” [Q.S. Muhamad (47): 21]

6. Pelajarilah hukum-hukum semua amalan ibadah di bulan Ramadan. Wajib bagi setiap mukmin beribadah dengan dilandasi ilmu. Kita wajib mengetahui ilmu dan hukum berpuasa sebelum Ramadan datang agar puasa kita benar dan diterima oleh Allah. “Tanyakanlah kepada orang-orang yang berilmu, jika kamu tiada mengetahui,” begitu kata Allah di Al-Qur’an surah Al-Anbiyaa’ ayat 7.

7. Sambut Ramadan dengan tekad meninggalkan dosa dan kebiasaan buruk. Bertaubatlah secara benar dari segala dosa dan kesalahan. Ramadan adalah bulan taubat. “Dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, hai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu beruntung.” [Q.S. An-Nur (24): 31]

8. Siapkan jiwa dan ruhiyah kita dengan bacaan yang mendukung proses tadzkiyatun-nafs. Hadiri majelis ilmu yang membahas tentang keutamaan, hukum, dan hikmah puasa. Sehingga secara mental kita siap untuk melaksanakan ketaatan pada bulan Ramadan.

9. Siapkan diri untuk berdakwah di bulan Ramadhan dengan:

· buat catatan kecil untuk kultum tarawih serta ba’da sholat subuh dan zhuhur.

· membagikan buku saku atau selebaran yang berisi nasihat dan keutamaan puasa.

10. Sambutlah Ramadan dengan membuka lembaran baru yang bersih. Kepada Allah, dengan taubatan nashuha. Kepada Rasulullah saw., dengan melanjutkan risalah dakwahnya dan menjalankan sunnah-sunnahnya. Kepada orang tua, istri-anak, dan karib kerabat, dengan mempererat hubungan silaturrahmi. Kepada masyarakat, dengan menjadi orang yang paling bermanfaat bagi mereka. Sebab, manusia yang paling baik adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

Dari saduran berbagai sumber

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Beda Negara, Beda Konsep Keperawanan

Istilah virgin berasal dari bahasa Latin virgo atau gadis, perawan. Istilah ini juga punya kaitan erat dengan istilah virga, yang artinya baru, ranting muda atau cabang yang tidak berbentuk.

Keperawanan, istilah ini terdengar begitu terus terang, vulgar. Bila seseorang bertanya atau menyebut “Anda perawan atau tidak” tentu pernyataan atau pertanyaan itu akan mengganggu Anda. Namun, lupakan saja soal ini.

Mari kita lihat beberapa pandangan soal keperawanan. Di beberapa belahan dunia lain, konsep keperawanan memiliki arti masing-masing.

- Ada kebudayaan yang menganggap, seorang wanita yang belum menikah tetap lah perawan meski dia adalah seorang pelacur. Hanya lewat pernikahan sajalah dia kehilangan keperawanan. Meski selama bertahun-tahun seorang perempuan menjadi pelacur, saat menikah dia diperlakukan sebagai perawan, berpakaian putih, dan menampilkan dirinya di hadapan suaminya dengan begitu lugu dan murni. Dialah yang akan mencuri keperawanannya.

- Di bagian dunia lain, seorang wanita yang sudah menikah tanpa anak adalah seorang perawan. Keperawanan hilang hanya saat anak pertamanya lahir lewat saluran vagina. Keperawanan tidak hilang karena hubungan seks melainkan dengan menjadi ibu. Jadi setiap wanita tidak beranak, meski sering berhubungan seks, tetaplah perawan.

- Diantara orang-orang yang takut dengan mitos darah pada malam pertama, darah memiliki cerita panjang yang cukup negatif konotasinya. Seorang laki-laki akan menikahi seorang perempuan hanya setelah selaput daranya pecah lewat hubungan seks dengan seorang asing yang tugasnya memang demikian. Pekerjaan orang asing ini dianggap sulit, dan laki-laki yang melakukannya akan dianggap pemberani karena dia menerima bahaya berulangkali saat melakukan kontak dengan darah.

- Seorang wanita yang diperawani oleh seorang walinya membuktikan pada suaminya bahwa dia lebih murni dan lebih perawan daripada sebelumnya. Karenanya melakukan hubungan seks dengannya tidaklah membahayakan.

- Seorang wanita di kalangan dunia barat akan tetap dianggap perawan sampai dia melakukan hubungan seksual,oral ataupun anal dengan pria. Dan hal itu masih kita pegang sampai sekarang. Bahkan juga di dunia timur.

Jika definisi keperawanan kedengarannya membingungkan dan absurd bagi kita dengan cerita ini, maka istilah yang kita gunakan untuk menamai keperawanan akan mengundang senyum masam. Kita mungkin akan bertanya dalam hati, apa artinya mempertanyakan keperawanan seorang wanita.

Dalam sebuah poling menyebutkan bahwa 56 persen anak-anak gadis usia sekolah menengah di Amerika sudah melakukan hubungan seksual. Bahkan lebih dari itu, banyak pasangan yang sudah hidup serumah sebelum pernikahan resmi dijalankan.

Namun demikian, tetap saja banyak pasangan yang menginginkan perkawinan monogami, meski keperawanan bukan lagi sesuatu yang mutlak harus dipertahankan. Satu hal yang pantas diingat adalah bahwa selama berabad-abad konsep keperawanan sebagai sebuah idealisme kemurnian wanita memiliki perbedaan dari satu tempat dengan yang lainnya. Lalu apa artinya perawan? Silakan merenungkannya!

Country Different, Different concept of virginity

The term virgin comes from the Latin virgo or maiden, virgin. This term also has a close connection with the term virga, which means that new, young branches or branches that are not shaped.

Maidenhead, this term continues to be so bright, vulgar. When someone asks or mentions "your virgin or not" necessarily a statement or question that will bother you. However, just forget this problem.

Let's see some views concerning virginity. In some other parts of the world, the concept of virginity has the meaning of each.

- There are cultures that think, a woman is not married is still virgin even though she was a prostitute. Only through marriage alone she lost virginity. Although for many years a woman to become prostitutes, while he was married to be treated as virgin, dressed in white, and showing himself in front of her husband with such pure and simple. He will steal virginity.

- In other parts of the world, a woman who is married without children is a virgin. Virginity lost only when the first child born through the vagina channel. Virginity is not lost because of sex but as a mother. So every woman does not have children, although often have sex, still virgin.

- Among those who fear the myths on the first night of blood, blood has a story long enough connotations negative. A man will marry a woman only after membrane blood broken through sex with a stranger so that duty. Employment of foreigners is considered to be difficult, and men who do so will be considered because he received intrepid danger repeatedly when making contact with the blood.

- A woman who copulate by a guardian on her husband to prove that he is more pure and more virgin than before. Therefore, to have sex with them is not dangerous.

- A woman in the western world will still be considered virgin until her sexual conduct, anal or oral with men. And it is still our grasp until now. Even in the east.

If the definition of virginity sound confusing and absurd for us with this story, the term we use to designate maidenhead akan invite wry smile. We may ask in the heart, what means that the virginity of a woman.

In a Poll found that 56 percent of children of secondary school age girls in the United States have sexual conduct. Even more than that, many couples who have lived the same house before the wedding official run.

However, there are still many couples who want marriage monogamy, although virginity is not something that absolutely must be maintained. One thing worth note is that for centuries the concept of virginity as a women's purity ideals have differences from one place to another. Then what does it mean virgin? Please ruminant!

Ahmadinejad Select Women's Ministry

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad news shall select women as one of the ministers in cabinet. If this is realized, Iran has the first female minister.

Information about choosing a minister want women Mehr news agency reported, on Thursday (6 / 8), as the preparation of the names of cabinet ministers who are starting Ahmadinejad yesterday.

After the oath was taken, and appointed as president, on Wednesday (5 / 8), Ahmadinejad has two weeks to announce the list of ministers to parliament cabinet. Parliament will then decide attitude up the names.

President Ahmadinejad has received criticism from citadel own, conservative, because besannya election as first vice president and then sack the minister for intelligence contend with. Now he should be more careful in preparing the list of candidates menterinya.

Mehr news agency said yesterday, the candidates will be chair the first vice president, among others, while the government spokesman Gholam Hossein Elham this and Mojtaba Samereh Hashemi who led the campaign Ahmadinejad.

Parliament limit

Unlike the first period presiden, in the tenure of both Ahmadinejad is likely to get a new restriction of the parliament.

Following adoption controversy Esfandiar Rahim Mashaii, members of Iran's Parliament has been prepared a draft bill (Bill), which limit the autonomy of the four vice presidents so that parliament can make a better control of the new government.

In a draft made to improve the supervision of the parliament, the four vice-presidential post will be a ministry.

Head of the Iranian Parliament Ali Larijani Ahmadinejad urged the government established "in the framework of the law and someone who can work as a leader."

Ahmadinejad himself had determined to change the structure of government.