Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Vitamin E, How Many Body Needed?

Vitamin E and free radical (free radical).
Second term is surely you often hear. Not only on food, but also on various beauty products, vitamin E diunggulkan always powerful to fight free radicals.
What is the vitamin E? Why always be associated with free radical? Whether vitamin E is only effective against free radicals?

Vitamin E is the vitamin that dissolves in fat. That is, there are vitamins in the food greasy, and the body can only be digested by bile in the liver, because it does not dissolve in water.
Function of vitamin E
Addition can improve the body's resistance, to help overcome stress, increase fertility, minimizing the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease, vitamin E has a role is very important for skin health.

Vitamin E to maintain, improve elasticity and
moist skin, prevent early premature aging process, protect skin from damage due to ultraviolet ray radiation, and expedite the process of healing wounds.
Source of vitamin E

Vitamin E is available in lots of oil produced from seeds, such as peanut oil, corn oil skin, oil and corn oil sunflower seeds. In addition, vitamin E is also found in green vegetables, cereals, liver, yolk, milk fat, nuts and butter.
It is important to remember about vitamin E, is easily damaged by high heat (cooking process)
and oxidation (exposure to oxygen). Therefore, the source of vitamin E is best fresh food, raw, or food that has not been processed.

Then, why vitamin E is often associated with free radical?
Free radical oxidation is the result of the molecules in the body. In fact, if produced in a number of fit, free radical required for the health and body function, namely to emerangi inflammation, kill bacteria and harmful smooth muscle tonus control vein and other organs in
body. But when produced in excess limit, free radicals can attack the body cells. So that the function changed. This function changes the cells that trigger process premature aging prematurity, and various health disturbances.
Summary oxygen free radicals in the body of substances can be prevented by antioxidants, which stop the work and activities of free radicals to protect healthy cells from damage. One of the substances the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin E.

How much is needed by the body?
If you want to function as antioxidants vitamin E, then a woman needs at least 120 IU (international units) per day. However, according to the medical record, most women in Indonesia only food that contains 10.4 - 13.4 IU per day. Sufficient for the needs, we can consumption vitamin E and synthetic vitamin E (dl-a tokoferol).
Because we need vitamin E is limited, then the body will react immediately when the condition is not comparable. Symptoms of an inch different look, but tend to be vague so that it can be difficult to understand.

Deficiency symptoms
When the vitamin E content in blood is very low, red blood cell is broken and split. The process of red blood cell division is called hemolisis eritrodit. This situation causes interference in the nerve system and muscles. Symptoms that are perceived difficulty walking
and settle on a painful calf muscle.

Excess vitamin E
Virulence can occur if you consumption vitamin E in excess. You will experience headaches, weakness and always lelahs, dizziness and vision disturbances that accompanied.

From Various Sources

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