Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Beautiful Happy Ramadhan

Ramadan has come, all Muslims in the world very happy, not to mention you, Saliha women. Amen. But as usual, the biggest obstacle at the moment is performing fasting, lack of fluid which will have an effect on your beauty. Especially the dry lips and chapped and body limp.

Lots of articles that provide important tips on lip care during fasting. By using lip balm, of course. But this effort from the outside is not necessarily suitable for your lips. Then what?

Make sure the water intake at dawn sufficient. Perbanyaklah vegetables gravy and drinking water and milk. Milk with all the benefits believed to provide essential nutrition to all organs of the body shell. Milk is also able to make the skin more elastic and moist from the body. To protect it from outside, do not often moisten his lips with your saliva, because the enzymes in saliva can make even more dry lips.

The limp body was due to lack of fluids and decreased blood sugar slowly. Therefore, at dawn, sweet warm milk could be your lunch a full day of activities. Do not forget the break to drink a glass of warm sweet drink that blood sugar to normal.

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