Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Importance of Vitamin C for Skin Elasticity

Although famous as a vitamin that is able to provide additional energy for the body, vitamin C appeared to have added value. Vitamin C is one vitamin that dissolves in water and is known by the name of another acid askorbat. Benefits the other is to help absorption of iron, as antioxidants, increase feses disposal, and prevent gum bleeding. Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that vitamin C also causes cancer ward poisons in our bodies.

Best source of vitamin C obtained from many fruits yellow or sour taste. For example, orange, tomato, strawberry, strawberry. Also in vegetables such as asparagus and cabbage. Hewaninya source is milk, butter, potatoes, fish, and heart.

Feed the recommended depending on the lifestyle that we do day-to-day. For example, a smoker needs vitamin Feed this more of a non-smoker. The toxic contents in cigarettes can reduce vitamin C content in the blood as much as 25 percent. In general, the recommended aadlah Feed 75-2000 mg per day, as needed. Handful of fresh blueberry fruit contains approximately 30 mg vitamin C.

However, women who are pregnant should not mengasup vitamin C more than 5000 mg per day. If consumed excessively, can fetus dependence vitamin C. This information is based on research conducted by Oregon Health & Science University.

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