Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Start Densus Troops Attack House "Noordin"

TEMANGGUNG - After 12 hours beleaguer more troops Densus 88 antiteror start invade the home Mohzahri (60), which made hiding by terrorist leader Noordin M Top, its groups.

PR Kadiv Mabes Polri Irjen (Pol) Nanan Soekarna, last night said there are about 3 to 4 people in the house and one of them is alleged to Noordin M Top.

As much at 07.50 WIB some officers appear to move Densus terrace house Mohzuhri. Some time later an explosion occurred a fourth time destroyed dissolved roof of the house.

However, there has been no response at all from the home in good shape in the cross fire and other

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