Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Large earthquake in the Andaman does not trigger tsunami

Large earthquake strength 7.6 Richter scale in the Indian Ocean whale offshore in the Andaman, India, Tuesday (11 / 8) early days. However, the attention the tsunami in India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and then canceled.

Approximately two hours after the earthquake, no reports about the tsunami from the sea edge countries or the victims of the earthquake is due. "We all go out as soon as possible and not back into, other concerned earthquake. Everything shook, we were all very, very afraid," Subhasis Paul, who runs a shop on the island of Diglipur supply in North Andaman, said at the Reuters by phone.

"People yelling at each other for other people out of their houses and gather together everyone outside," said Paul's Diglipur, about 300 km north of Port Blair, capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Geology U.S. survey said that the quake, which was originally reported strength SR 7.7, occurred at 01.55 local time (19.55 GMT), the depth of 20.6 miles (33 km), and is based on the 26 km north of Port Blair.

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Oseanik Administration and the atmosphere of the U.S. National cautions that there is a possibility that the waves appear along the coast up to 1000 km from the center of the earthquake. However, the institutions is interesting warning.

"Reading the sea surface indicate that the tsunami did not occur significantly," he said in a statement.

An official at the Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services, said no tsunami warning was issued by departemennya.

"We do not issue a tsunami warning and is overseeing the changes in the surface water level in the area today," Ajay Kumar told Reuters by telephone.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a series of small islands hundreds of miles east of India in the Indian Ocean.

Earthquake strength 7.6 SR classified by USGS as a strong earthquake and can cause great damage widely. Larger earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004 has caused the tsunami which killed around 228,000 people.

In Indonesia, the meteorology agency official said, the office overseeing Aceh at the end of the island of Sumatra. However, so far no reports about the tsunami.

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