Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Obama Demonstration Dozens of Armed

Dozens of armed men, including one long-armed special military barrel, took action in the performance sense of the building outside the U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech in front of the veterans in Phoneix, Arizona, on Monday (17 / 8) night.

Phoneix police say, the bearer of weapons, including the man with the gun half-otomation AR-15, does not need permission because the rules state that does not prohibit civilians carrying weapons so that no one demonstrator was arrested.

The demonstrators were supporters Second Amendments of the Constitution that allows citizens to bring civil and have weapons.

Men of the long barrel weapons reject the name. However, the The Arizona Republic that he was carrying a weapon because it is not prohibited. "In Arizona, I still have the freedom," his blazing. A detective Oliver, who oversees the men's location in the demonstration, said, police also want to make sure no one badger.

Last week, when the Obama campaign about health services in New Hampshire, also a man of action with the bound on the pistol sepucuk feet. Police ask the men to leave the location, but it was not arrested.

Fred Solop, political experts from the Northern Arizona University, said the incident in New Hampshire and Arizona shows the signal behavior of a "disrupt" in the political world. "When you start carrying a weapon in political campaigns, it had been diagnosed concern. This is certainly frightening for many people. This raises a frightening ability to effect our safety," said Solop.

Secret Service spokesman (army guards the president), Ed Donovan, said, the demonstrators in Arizona and New Hampshire does not impact on the security of the president. "In both cases, the subject (demonstrators) does not enter the location or try to (enter). They were in the area which is allotment to the public. This primary does not need to know they will be allowed entry with a weapon," he said.

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